Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Waldorf Salad for Two or More

 I was visiting my parents out in the Pacific Northwest and it was the hottest day of the year, but hey no humidity!!!  I love living in the Carolina’s however it was a nice escape from the long humid summer.  
Waldorf Salad 

While we were heating up the house making Lemon Spaghetti with Chicken, we were trying to decide on a side dish that was cool and would complement the pasta. Mom had a couple of apples and some celery that she needed to eat before they spoiled and suggested that we make Waldorf Salad, one of my favorites.

I rummaged around in the kitchen and  here’s what Mom had on hand; several  medium sized red apples, a couple of stalks of celery, a bag of shelled pecans (Walnuts are in the recipe but pecans were delicious), Sour Cream, Mayonnaise and fresh lemons.

Here’s what you need for this version of Waldorf Salad:
3 medium sized red apples
3 Stalks of celery (you can use less, I just love the crunchiness of the celery)
1/3 cup shelled chopped pecans
¼ cup raisins – Optional or add more
1 Tbsp Sour Cream – you can use plain Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp Mayonnaise
Juice squeezed from 2 small fresh lemons
1 tsp of honey
Medium serving bowl and small mixing bowl

Mom started peeling the apples, Molly jumped in to dice them and I started cutting the celery.

Now it’s your turn and it’s simple really; just peel, chop and mix:
Peel, core and cut the apples into bite size pieces, rinse, dry and chop the celery into bite size pieces and toss in the bowl. Add the nuts and raisins.
Mix together the sour cream, mayonnaise; lemon juice and honey then toss with the apples and celery until coated.

Simple, sweet and crunchy! Enough for four or two hungry people…

Just cook something! Cheers! Kary~

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